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  • Page last updated: This topic describes how to install PCF Dev on Mac OS X. Prerequisites Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface. PCF Dev uses the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI) to push and scale apps. Download the cf CLI for Mac OS X (64 bit). If you previously used the cf CLI v5 Ruby gem, you must uninstall the gem first.
  • Instead) was present in Inkwell in Mac OS 10.2 and 10.3, but seems to have been removed in 10.4. Larry Yaeger was the author of the original Rosetta recognizer on the Newton, and was also responsible for porting it to Mac OS X. 24 The Rosetta name was later used for Apple's PowerPC software translation layer for Intel -based Macs.
  • The tc Runtime RPM will is called pivotal-tc-runtime-9.0.6.B.RELEASE.noarch.rpm Start a terminal and change to the directory in which you downloaded the RPM. Execute the following rpm command to install tc Server and tc Runtime: rpm -Uvhf pivotal-tc-server-4.1.8.RELEASE.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvhf pivotal-tc-runtime-9.0.6.B.RELEASE.noarch.rpm.

3.5 on 30 votes. You'll have all the basics covered with our complement of standard. Click PKS CLI - Mac to download the Mac OS X binary. Rename the downloaded binary file to pks. On the command line, run the following command to make the PKS CLI binary executable: $ chmod +x pks.

This topic describes how to deploy and use the Spring Cloud® Services (SCS) suite within PCF Dev.

When configured to use SCS, PCF Dev provides the following services:

The sections below describe how to launch SCS and use the Config Server. The Service Registry and Circuit Breaker Dashboard work by default when PCF Dev is launched with SCS enabled.

Launch Spring Cloud Services

To launch PCF Dev using SCS, run cf dev start using the -s scs flag:

Note: Due to the increased demands of SCS, PCF Dev allocates more memory than usual.

Alternatively, you can deploy SCS after start by running the following command:

To undeploy SCS, stop PCF Dev:

Use Spring Cloud Services

To create a service instance of the Config Server using the cook sample app, perform the following:

  1. Clone the cook sample app to your workspace. Jam9 mac os.

  2. In a terminal window, navigate to the root repository of the cook sample app.

  3. To compile the cook sample app, run one of the following commands: Revenge of the marshmallows mac os.

    • Mac OS X or Linux: ./gradlew build
    • Windows: gradlew.bat build

    For example, the output on Mac OS X appears as follows:

  4. Run cf login to log in to PCF Dev and target your local domain using user/pass as the credentials. To avoid SSL validation errors, use the --skip-ssl-validation flag. See SSL Validation Errors.

  5. Run cf create service to create a service instance of the config server. Use the -c flag to specify a JSON object containing configuration parameters for the service as show in the following example:

  6. Run cf service config-server to confirm that the service was created: Magic wand mac os.

    When finished, the status of the service instance displays create succeeded.

  7. Push the compiled JAR file:

  8. Navigate to http://cookie.local.pcfdev.io/restaurant to view the cook app.

Note: PCF Dev uses an unverified certificate. When a PCF Dev SCS service makes use of an unverified certificate, the pushed apps must have the environment variable CF_TARGET set to the api URL of the PCF Dev instance: https://api.local.pcfdev.io. PCF Dev does this by default for all pushed apps.

Pivotal Mac OS

Manage Spring Cloud Services

To manage an SCS instance within PCF Dev, navigate to Apps Manager and log in using the admin credentials, admin/admin. Instances of the SCS services are displayed in the instances space of the p-spring-cloud-services org. See the Use Apps Manager topic for more information.

Note: This functionality is not supported in the current version of PCF Dev. Use PCF Dev v0.30 for PCF v1.11 or earlier for this functionality.

This topic describes how to use PCF Dev offline. By default, PCF Dev functions largely without a network connection. To use PCF Dev with no network connection, complete the following steps specific to your operating system.

Using PCF Dev Offline with Mac OS X

For OS X, Pivotal recommends using Dnsmasq as your DNS forwarder. Perform the following steps to install and configure Dnsmasq.

  1. Check that you have Homebrew installed by running brew -v in your terminal. If you do not, follow these instructions to install Homebrew.
  2. Run the following commands to update Homebrew and install Dnsmasq:
  3. To have launchd start Dnsmasq and restart at startup, run the following command:
  4. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the default configuration file placed at /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS. To perform this redirection, add the line address=/.local.pcfdev.io/ to the dnsmasq.conf file:

    Note: If the subnet containing is already in use, PCF Dev picks the next available IP address that adheres to the pattern 192.168.xx.11, and a corresponding system domain. For example, and local4.pcfdev.io. If your PCF Dev reports that it is using an alternate configuration when it comes up, use the appropriate combination in your dnsmasq.conf file.

  5. Restart Dnsmasq to ensure it recognizes your change.

  6. To configure your system to use Dnsmasq, go to your network preferences and add as your first DNS server.

Using PCF Dev Offline with Windows

For Windows, Pivotal recommends using Acrylic as your DNS proxy. Perform the following steps to install and configure Acrylic:

  1. Download Acrylic from their site and follow the wizard to install it on your system.
  2. Navigate to Start > Programs > Acrylic DNS Proxy > Config > Edit Acrylic Hosts File.
  3. Add the following text to the end of the file: *.local.pcfdev.io
  4. The Acrylic site has detailed instructions to configure your computer to use Acrylic as a DNS server for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
  5. You may need to restart your DNS cache by navigating to Start > Programs > Acrylic DNS Proxy > Config > Restart Acrylic Service.

Using PCF Dev Offline with Linux

Option 1: Ubuntu 14.04+

Pivotal Mac Os X

  1. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the dnsmasq.conf file to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS.
    To perform this redirection, add the line address=/.local.pcfdev.io/ to /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/pcfdev:

  2. Reload the service. For Ubuntu v14.04+, run service network-manager restart. For Ubuntu v15.04+, run systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

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Option 2: Other Linux Distribution

  1. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the dnsmasq.conf file to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS.

  2. Install Dnsmasq using your distribution's package manager.

  3. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the dnsmasq.conf file to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS. To perform this redirection, add the line address=/.local.pcfdev.io/ to /etc/dnsmasq.conf:

Pivotal Mac OS

Manage Spring Cloud Services

To manage an SCS instance within PCF Dev, navigate to Apps Manager and log in using the admin credentials, admin/admin. Instances of the SCS services are displayed in the instances space of the p-spring-cloud-services org. See the Use Apps Manager topic for more information.

Note: This functionality is not supported in the current version of PCF Dev. Use PCF Dev v0.30 for PCF v1.11 or earlier for this functionality.

This topic describes how to use PCF Dev offline. By default, PCF Dev functions largely without a network connection. To use PCF Dev with no network connection, complete the following steps specific to your operating system.

Using PCF Dev Offline with Mac OS X

For OS X, Pivotal recommends using Dnsmasq as your DNS forwarder. Perform the following steps to install and configure Dnsmasq.

  1. Check that you have Homebrew installed by running brew -v in your terminal. If you do not, follow these instructions to install Homebrew.
  2. Run the following commands to update Homebrew and install Dnsmasq:
  3. To have launchd start Dnsmasq and restart at startup, run the following command:
  4. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the default configuration file placed at /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS. To perform this redirection, add the line address=/.local.pcfdev.io/ to the dnsmasq.conf file:

    Note: If the subnet containing is already in use, PCF Dev picks the next available IP address that adheres to the pattern 192.168.xx.11, and a corresponding system domain. For example, and local4.pcfdev.io. If your PCF Dev reports that it is using an alternate configuration when it comes up, use the appropriate combination in your dnsmasq.conf file.

  5. Restart Dnsmasq to ensure it recognizes your change.

  6. To configure your system to use Dnsmasq, go to your network preferences and add as your first DNS server.

Using PCF Dev Offline with Windows

For Windows, Pivotal recommends using Acrylic as your DNS proxy. Perform the following steps to install and configure Acrylic:

  1. Download Acrylic from their site and follow the wizard to install it on your system.
  2. Navigate to Start > Programs > Acrylic DNS Proxy > Config > Edit Acrylic Hosts File.
  3. Add the following text to the end of the file: *.local.pcfdev.io
  4. The Acrylic site has detailed instructions to configure your computer to use Acrylic as a DNS server for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
  5. You may need to restart your DNS cache by navigating to Start > Programs > Acrylic DNS Proxy > Config > Restart Acrylic Service.

Using PCF Dev Offline with Linux

Option 1: Ubuntu 14.04+

Pivotal Mac Os X

  1. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the dnsmasq.conf file to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS.
    To perform this redirection, add the line address=/.local.pcfdev.io/ to /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/pcfdev:

  2. Reload the service. For Ubuntu v14.04+, run service network-manager restart. For Ubuntu v15.04+, run systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

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Option 2: Other Linux Distribution

  1. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the dnsmasq.conf file to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS.

  2. Install Dnsmasq using your distribution's package manager.

  3. Configure Dnsmasq by editing the dnsmasq.conf file to redirect the domain name local.pcfdev.io to the IP without requiring a network connection to resolve the DNS. To perform this redirection, add the line address=/.local.pcfdev.io/ to /etc/dnsmasq.conf:

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Note: Details about configuring your Linux installation to use Dnsmasq may differ by distribution.

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